The Drowning Girls
by Beth Graham, Charlie Tomlinson, and Daniela Vlaskalic
Samford University, Birmingham Alabama
Bessie, Alice, and Margaret have two things in common: they are married to George Joseph Smith, and they are dead. Surfacing from the bathtubs they were drowned in, the three breathless brides gather evidence against their womanizing, murderous husband by reliving the shocking events leading up to their deaths. Reflecting on the misconceptions of love, married life, and the not-so-happily ever after, The Drowning Girls is both a breathtaking fantasia and a social critique, full of rich images, a myriad of characters, and lyrical language.
Directed by Anna Stevens
Cast: Lana Scott Stringer, Alexis Wentworth, & Zoe Clark
Stage Manager: Olivia Sundberg
Assistant Stage Manager: Avery Minotti & Anna-Scott McClintock
Lighting Design by Jackson Wood
Costume Design by McKenna Varner
Hair & Makeup Design by Charlotte Godat
Dance Choreography by Grace Brewster
Photos by Sadie Sue Long